10 Reasons to work with a recruiter
10 reasons to work a recruiter when looking for a new role
Prior to working in recruitment I was so naïve when it came to working with a recruitment consultancy. I would think nothing of applying for a role directly as well through an agency… double the chance, right? How wrong I was! It is never good for your CV to land on a prospective employer’s desk twice. In this blog, I unpack multiple reasons and benefits of why you should apply for a role through a recruitment consultancy:
1) We know our clients – we pride ourselves on our relationships with both candidates and clients, and therefore, we will be able to quickly determine whether you are the right fit. Let’s face it, we spend so much of our lives in work, we need to make sure that we get along with our colleagues and fit the team and business well.
2) We know the business – we take the time to get to know our clients and take a real interest in their business, researching everything from team size and turnover to current plans, future plans and even company culture. We always aim to visit our clients in person so we can give you first-hand information about what the office environment and culture is like ahead of any potential interview.
3) We know the role – we know which skills and experience are most essential for the role. Many candidates that come through may tick the majority of the job spec requirements but not tick all, but we know the key skills requirements and what can be developed or learned.
4) Progression – we realise that this is of crucial importance for a lot of candidates. You want to be confident that there are plenty of opportunities for progression and that any implications or references of potential promotion in the job advert are genuine. As we know our clients, we will be confident with any role as to whether or not it offers progression and what this could look like. Equally, as part of the Axon Moore values and the way we work, we will always be open and honest with you about this. If we feel a role lacks routes for progression, we will always guide candidates accordingly.
5) Salary – some job adverts will not display salary. However, we understand the full information for all of the roles that we work, including the important aspects of salary and benefits. We can, therefore advise you on what you should be looking for from your next role. It is not worth your time as a candidate, our client’s or our time if we are not fully transparent about our roles, so you can be confident that you’re getting the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth from Axon Moore.
6) The awkward questions – Inevitably there are some awkward questions that need to be asked by you as the candidate. Part of our role in the process is to act as an intermediary to find out all the information that you need. When you apply for a role through an agency, like ourselves, then one of our Axon Moore consultants can ask the tricky questions to get all the information you need in order to help you make key decisions about your career.
7) Interview Process – Working directly with clients on a long-term basis means that we have a really good understanding of their interview processes, whether they are typically a 1, 2 or 3-stage process, whether any stage will be virtual and whether there will be an assessment round or presentation. When we’re representing you, we will collate all of this information in advance and relay it to you, so you as our candidate are as prepared as possible to have a successful interview with your prospective employer.
8) Hints and Tips at interview stage – Following on from point 7, interview preparation is crucial. I’m a firm believer in the saying “fail to prepare, then prepare to fail.” The knowledge that we possess about our clients means that we know their interview techniques and style. We know whether they are formal or informal, competency-based or more focused on your previous skills and achievements. We may even have an idea of questions that may be asked, which is golden information for candidates who want the best chance once they’re in an interview.
9) Offer stage – This is the exciting part where you can sit back, relax and let us as the recruitment consultants go to work. If you’ve impressed them enough and have been offered the role, then you’re in a great position for negotiation. However, there are sometimes a few extra questions before accepting, which can include anything from salary, benefits, days of annual leave etc. and these areas are why having us as the intermediary pays off for you. We are used to doing the awkward negotiating and having the difficult questions and we always get the best possible package for all of our candidates.
10) Honesty – My best advice when working with a recruiter is to always be honest, open and transparent about your situation and what your expectations are for your next role. Honesty is one of Axon Moore’s key principles so this level of transparency will always be returned back to you, the candidate. If honesty is the foundation of our relationship then, going forwards, we will be able to build on this and work together for your benefit and ours.
Whilst working with a recruiter may feel like involving an unnecessary middle man, at Axon Moore we understand the benefits a recruiter can offer a candidate, and the ease they can bring to the process of finding a new role. Whether it’s our extensive knowledge of the company you are applying to, our ability to prep and advise you leading up to an interview, or the support we can offer you throughout the process, the recruiters at Axon Moore are experts with a genuine care for their candidates.